Publications et études

Carte des risques pays - Q1 2019

Etude économique

  • Algeria,
  • Argentina,
  • General economic

11 sept. 2018

Carte des Risques Pays Atradius Q1 2020

Détectez les opportunités commerciales dans le monde pour développer votre activité.

Accompagnement commercial

Des conseils pour développer vos opportunités commerciales internationales grâce à des études sur les meilleures pratiques à l’export, les processus de credit management et la cartographie des risques pays Atradius.

Les prévisions sectorielles

Accédez à un aperçu de la situation du risque et des performances des entreprises de 15 secteurs majeurs dans plus de 31 pays. La prévision est basée sur l'évaluation des arbitres d'Atradius.

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    Visualiser  1241-1250 De  1394 Résultats

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - France

    Market Monitor

    • France
    • Machines/Engineering

    31 juil. 2015

    The machinery sector should benefit from the economic rebound in France, with GDP forecast to grow 1.1% in 2015 (after 0.2% in 2014) and stronger growth in industrial production and exports.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - China

    Market Monitor

    • China
    • Machines/Engineering

    31 juil. 2015

    China’s machinery sector has seen high overcapacity: profits of machinery businesses will be squeezed further by fierce competition, as companies have to offer lower prices to keep market shares.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - Sweden

    Market Monitor

    • Sweden
    • Machines/Engineering

    31 juil. 2015

    The Swedish machinery sector has seen many positive developments over the past few years and currently benefits from higher global demand.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - Hungary

    Market Monitor

    • Hungary
    • Machines/Engineering

    31 juil. 2015

    Hungary has become a key production base for automotive majors such as Audi, Daimler (Mercedes-Benz), Suzuki and General Motors.

    Atradius Market Monitor Machines 2015

    Market Monitor

    • Brazil,
    • China,
    • Machines/Engineering

    08 juil. 2015

    Focus sur les performances et les perspectives du secteurdes machines.

    MENA Country Report - Jordan

    Rapport pays

    • United Arab Emirates
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    02 juil. 2015

    Jordan’s economic growth is expected to accelerate from 3.1% in 2014 to 4.3% in 2015.

    MENA Country Report - Egypt

    Rapport pays

    • Egypt
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    02 juil. 2015

    In 2015 and 2016 Egypt’s economy is expected to grow by more than 4%, as improved stability in the country will boost domestic demand.

    MENA Country Report - UAE

    Rapport pays

    • United Arab Emirates
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    02 juil. 2015

    Despite the UAE’s overall diversification, the lower oil price is expected to take its toll on economic growth.

    MENA Country Report - Tunisia

    Rapport pays

    • Tunisia
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    02 juil. 2015

    Tunisia’s economy is expected to grow moderately in 2015 and 2016, supported by increased demand from the eurozone.

    MENA Country Report - Saudi Arabia

    Rapport pays

    • Saudi Arabia
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    02 juil. 2015

    Saudi Arabia’s GDP growth is expected to slow down to 3.0% in 2015 following a growth of 3.6% in 2014.