
International Debt Collections Handbook

Guide international du recouvrement de créances

  • Argentina,
  • Australia,
  • Agriculture,
  • Automotive/Transport,

11 oct. 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.


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    Visualiser  551-600 De  1388 Résultats

    Market Monitor ICT Japan 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Japan
    • Electronics/ICT

    18 juin 2019

    An economic slowdown in China triggered by the Sino-US trade dispute would surely lead to lower demand for ICT exports to China and to other parts of Asia.

    Market Monitor TIC France 2019

    Market Monitor

    • France
    • Electronics/ICT

    18 juin 2019

    Alors que le marché français des TIC s’est de plus en plus tourné vers les services au cours des deux dernières années, le segment des logiciels informatiques demeure le moteur de la croissance.

    Market Monitor ICT Italy 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Italy
    • Electronics/ICT

    18 juin 2019

    The Italian ICT wholesalers and retail segment is negatively impacted by stiff competition, high pressure on margins and liquidity management issues.

    Market Monitor TIC Inde 2019

    Market Monitor

    • India
    • Electronics/ICT

    18 juin 2019

    Le secteur continue de se caractériser par une forte concurrence et des importations à bas prix, ce qui entraîne des pressions sur les prix, en particulier pour les petits revendeurs et distributeurs.

    Market Monitor TIC Taïwan 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Taiwan
    • Electronics/ICT

    18 juin 2019

    L’escalade du différend commercial sino-américain, en particulier les restrictions imposées par les USA sur les fournisseurs de Huawei, affectera sûrement certaines entreprises taïwanaises du secteur.

    Market Monitor TIC Espagne 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Spain
    • Electronics/ICT

    18 juin 2019

    Les marges de nombreuses entreprises du secteur demeurent stables mais serrées, en particulier dans le sous-secteur du commerce de gros et de détail des TIC.

    Market Monitor TIC Pays-Bas 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Netherlands
    • Electronics/ICT

    18 juin 2019

    Conformément à la bonne tenue de l’économie, la valeur ajoutée des TIC a augmenté de 3,6% en 2018 et devrait progresser de 3% environ en 2019, en dépit du ralentissement économique prévu.

    Market Monitor TIC Australie 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Australia
    • Electronics/ICT

    18 juin 2019

    L’expérience des paiements au cours des 2 dernières années a été satisfaisante jusqu’à ce jour et le niveau des paiements prolongés et des faillites demeure faible comparativement à d’autres secteurs.

    Market Monitor TIC Emirats Arabes Unis 2019

    Market Monitor

    • United Arab Emirates
    • Electronics/ICT

    18 juin 2019

    Au second semestre de 2019, les faillites devraient se stabiliser à un niveau élevé, tandis que les délais de paiement devraient encore augmenter.

    Trade war risks grinding global trade growth to a halt

    Etude économique

    • China,
    • USA
    • General economic

    11 juin 2019

    World trade growth stagnated in Q1 amid the escalating trade war. While we expect some recovery in 2019, further escalation of the trade war could grind growth to a halt.

    European elections 2019

    Etude économique

    • Austria,
    • Belgium,
    • General economic

    29 mai 2019

    European pro-trade policy likely to stay in place after the European elections

    Country report Austria 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Austria
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    In 2019 Austrian economic growth is expected to decelerate after a robust performance in 2018, mainly due to weaker external demand and lower investment.

    Country report Switzerland 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Switzerland
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    Swiss economic growth is expected to slow down in 2019, as external demand from the Eurozone and the US has weakened and investment growth decreases.

    Country report Denmark 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Denmark
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    The Danish economy has regained some of its international competitiveness due to structural reforms that addressed the issue of high labour costs.

    Country report Sweden 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Sweden
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    A potential downside risk to the economic performance could be the high household debt in case of sharp house price decreases and interest rate increases.

    Country report Belgium 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Belgium
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    In 2019 the number of Belgian business insolvencies will still be higher than the levels seen before the start of the global credit crisis in 2008.

    Country report Ireland 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Ireland
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    The Irish economy is expected to grow by about 2.5% in 2019, but remains exposed to ongoing economic uncertainties stemming from the Brexit decision.

    Country report Spain 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Spain
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    Household consumption is sustained by rising employment, higher wages and low interest rates, while lower financing costs support business investments.

    Country report The Netherlands 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Netherlands
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    In 2019 Dutch export performance is impacted by lower demand from France and Germany, the ongoing Brexit issue and increased global trade uncertainty.

    Country report Italy 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Italy
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    Due to economic stagnation, political uncertainty and tighter credit conditions business insolvencies are forecast to increase by more than 5% in 2019.

    Country report United Kingdom 2019

    Rapport pays

    • United Kingdom
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    British business insolvencies are expected to increase by more than 5% in 2019, mainly affecting businesses active in the construction and retail sectors.

    Country report France 2019

    Rapport pays

    • France
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    With more than 55,000 business failures expected in 2019, the number of insolvencies will still be as high as during the start of the 2008 credit crisis.

    Country report Germany 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Germany
    • General economic

    28 mai 2019

    After several years of annual decreases, German business insolvencies are expected to increase again in 2019 as the economic expansion slows down.

    DSO in Singapore expected to worsen

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Singapore
    • Chemicals/Pharma,
    • Construction,

    20 mai 2019

    Businesses in Singapore expect DSO to deteriorate over the coming months. Read the complete overview of corporate payment practices by sector.

    Taiwan: Payment default risks put pressure on business

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Taiwan
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    20 mai 2019

    Taiwanese businesses are the least inclined in the Asia Pacific to sell on credit. Get your copy of the latest payment practices barometer and find out why.

    How will Japan avoid disruptive loss in export markets

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Japan
    • Agriculture,
    • Consumer Durables,

    20 mai 2019

    Businesses in Japan are focused more on strengthening receivables' collection activities than having a more strategic approach to credit management.

    China: Increase in trade credit risk on the horizon?

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • China
    • Automotive/Transport,
    • Consumer Durables,

    20 mai 2019

    Survey respondents in China expect trade credit risk to increase over the coming months. Find out more about their business challenges going forward.

    Internal demand & export growth drive B2B sales

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • India
    • Agriculture,
    • Consumer Durables,

    20 mai 2019

    Internal demand & export growth work in favor of Indian B2B credit sales, but future trends of B2B payment practices affecting business confidence in India.

    Australia: what can businesses expect?

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Australia
    • Automotive/Transport,
    • Construction,

    20 mai 2019

    Shortage of capital and restricted business growth due to a deteriorating domestic economy, tighter financial conditions and more competition. Challenging times for Australian businesses.

    Trade credit insurance to the rescue in Hong Kong

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Hong Kong SAR
    • Construction,
    • Consumer Durables,

    20 mai 2019

    The use of trade credit in B2B transactions enhances financial flexibility and mitigates negative effects of increased global competition for Hong Kong's large enterprises and SMEs.

    Growing demand for credit insurance in APAC

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Australia,
    • China,
    • Automotive/Transport,
    • Consumer Durables,

    20 mai 2019

    APAC economies are vulnerable to weaker global trade, leading to more businesses taking a more strategic approach to credit management.

    How do businesses react to weaker demand from China?

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Indonesia
    • Agriculture,
    • Consumer Durables,

    20 mai 2019

    Payment terms extended by survey respondents in Indonesia are notably more relaxed than last year. Does loosing terms on export sales reflect a need to limit the fall off in export demand?

    Global Economic Outlook - May 2019

    Etude économique

    • Algeria,
    • Angola,
    • General economic

    16 mai 2019

    The global economy is losing steam in 2019 and 2020. Ongoing uncertainty regarding the trade war continues to cloud the outlook.

    Rapport Pays Brésil 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Brazil
    • General economic

    30 avr. 2019

    L’adoption d’une réforme des retraites permettant d’économiser au moins 600-700 milliards de réaux est essentielle pour maintenir la viabilité de la dette publique et la confiance des investisseurs.

    Rapport Pays Argentine 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Argentina
    • General economic

    30 avr. 2019

    Conjuguées aux taux d’intérêt élevés de plus de 60%, les mesures d’austérité vont approfondir et prolonger la contraction économique.

    Rapport pays Chili 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Chile
    • General economic

    30 avr. 2019

    La résistance de l’économie reste forte grâce à des politiques macroéconomiques et financières prudentes.

    Rapport Pays Colombie 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Colombia
    • General economic

    30 avr. 2019

    En 2019 et 2020, l’économie devrait croître d’environ 3% par an, sous l’effet de la hausse des prix du pétrole, des investissements et de la consommation.

    Rapport Pays Pérou 2019

    Rapport pays

    • Peru
    • General economic

    30 avr. 2019

    La petite économie ouverte péruvienne dépend beaucoup des minéraux (cuivre, or, pétrole et gaz), qui représentent plus de 60% des exportations.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables USA 2019

    Market Monitor

    • USA
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    Higher costs of raw materials and import tariffs have increased operational costs and reduced overall profitability in the household appliances segment.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables UK 2019

    Market Monitor

    • United Kingdom
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    The UK sales outlook for consumer durables in 2019 is more subdued as household finances are strained and private consumption growth is decreasing.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Netherlands 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Netherlands
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    Insolvencies are expected to level off or to increase slightly in 2019, in line with the forecast of a modest 2% increase in Dutch business failures.

    Market Monitor Biens de consommation Italie 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Italy
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    Les exportations soutiennent les résultats du secteur du textile, qui affiche, toutefois, des niveaux élevés d’insolvabilités dans les segments italiens de l’habillement et des chaussures.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Germany 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Germany
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    Retailers´ margins are expected to decrease further due to the fierce competitive market environment in most segments and increased price transparency.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables China 2019

    Market Monitor

    • China
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    Profit margins of retailers in the online segment to increase slightly in 2019, while brick-and-mortar retailers face continued margin pressure.

    Market Monitor Biens de consommation durables EAU 2019

    Market Monitor

    • United Arab Emirates
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    Le nombre de retards de paiement et de défauts de paiement prolongés devrait rester élevé en 2019 en raison de problèmes de trésorerie persistants et d’un accès plus restreint aux prêts bancaires.

    Market Monitor Biens de consommation France 2019

    Market Monitor

    • France
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    En 2018, les ventes au détail de biens de consommation durables ont été affectées par la baisse de la consommation des ménages, ainsi que par l’impact négatif des « manifestations des gilets jaunes ».

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Spain 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Spain
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    Good payment behaviour in the household appliances, furniture and consumer electronics segments over the past two years, and no major changes are expected.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Belgium 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Belgium
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    Both payment delays and insolvencies are expected to increase in the coming six months, mainly affecting smaller consumer durables retailers in Belgium.

    Market Monitor Consumer Durables Indonesia 2019

    Market Monitor

    • Indonesia
    • Consumer Durables

    11 avr. 2019

    With its large population, growing middle class and increasingly modern spending habits Indonesia's retail sector is one of the most promising in Asia.

    Asia country report China 2019

    Rapport pays

    • China
    • General economic

    28 mars 2019

    China´s economic growth is forecast to slow down to 6% while downside risks have increased and business insolvencies will increase further in 2019