Remuneration policy (fr-fr)

The Atradius Remuneration Policy lays down the principles and key elements of the sound and controlled remuneration of all employees of the Atradius Group.

The Policy supports the Atradius Group’s business strategy, objectives, values and long-term interests. It is aligned with the size, organisational set-up, nature and complexity of the business activities of the Atradius Group.

The Remuneration Policy is designed to improve the performance and the value of the Atradius Group and to motivate, retain and attract qualified employees. It also aims to contribute to sound and efficient risk management within the Atradius Group and not to encourage the taking of more risk than is acceptable to Atradius.

The Atradius Remuneration Report

The Remuneration Report provides general background on the existing remuneration principles applicable to Atradius staff. It includes reports on the Atradius Remuneration Policy for staff that can exert material influence on the Atradius risk profile (so called ‘Identified Staff’). This is done retrospectively for the previous calendar year.

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